銀行小額借款條件高雄借錢小額貸款10萬>台北小額借款廣告銀行小額借貸利率比較小額貸款公司基隆民間小額借款台中小額借款新竹小額借款快速撥款>身分證借錢台中台南小額借貸快速撥款新竹小額借貸當日撥款免保人OBLIGATION: Presidential Office Secretary-General Lin Pi-chao said he took the post to oversee the smooth transition of power and to help the nation with skills he fosteredBy Jake Chung / Staff writer, with CNAThe resignations of Presidential Office Secretary-General Lin Pi-chao (林碧炤) and National Security Bureau (NSB) Director-General Yang Kuo-chiang (楊國強) were approved last night, Presidential Office spokesperson Alex Huang (黃重諺) said.Retired Republic of China Air Force general Peng Sheng-chu (彭勝竹) was appointed to succeed Yang, while Presidential Office Deputy Secretary-General Jason Liu (劉建忻) is to act as head of the office until further notice, Huang said.Lin and Yang had repeatedly asked to resign, Huang said, adding that after individual meetings with President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文), their letters of resignation were approved, effective today.Peng had served as a military attache at the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the US and is familiar with US affairs, Huang said, adding that Peng’s experience as head of the Military Intelligence Bureau in 2005 would be invaluable in heading the NSB.Peng’s 台中借錢15萬高雄借錢免留車a台中借錢 急小額借款 桃園小額信貸利率最低銀行高雄證件借款風險>台東小額借款快速撥款小額借貸利息幾分桃園小額借款3萬小額信貸利息計算公式>小額信貸利率算法小額借款 銀行高雄借錢中心小額貸款率利計算公式小額信貸利息試算appointment took into consideration his experience in multiple fields — he served as both chief of staff and commander of the air force, and in 2009 was also appointed as a strategic adviser at the Presidential Office — which fulfilled all requirements for the reinforcement of national security, Huang said.Tsai said she has high expectations for 66-year-old Peng, adding that he must rally morale at the NSB and make it an effective contributor to national security.Tsai respected Lin’s decision to retire and focus on writing, Huang said, adding that the president was grateful for her friend’s assistance over the past five months.Lin accepted the position in April, as he felt obligated to help oversee the smooth transition of government from the administration of former President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) to Tsai台南學生小額借款’s, Hu高雄小額借款5萬ang said, adding that Lin wanted to help the nation with the skills he had fostered.Lin felt that he has fulfilled銀行小額信貸2萬 his purpose and should vacate the position for someone that would be of more use to the president, Huang said.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES
小額借錢利息桃園小額借錢急用小額借款快速撥款a銀行小額信貸銀行小額貸款率利小額借款利率銀行小額借貸利息我要借錢台中地區小額貸款率利最低銀行>新竹小額借款無需工作>高雄小額借貸快速撥款桃園小額借款24h銀行小額信貸 網路搶客>小額借款學生 嘉義小額借款